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  • In this session, Dr. Comfort will discuss when to refer residents to end of life care. He will review rate of decline—especially for those who have cancer—and address topics such as pain management, delirium, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, and nutritional issues. Dr. Comfort will also review patient decisions at the end of life, such as DNR (do not resuscitate), cognitive screening, palliative sedation and care.

    Webinar Description

    In this session, Dr. Comfort will discuss when to refer residents to end of life care. He will review rate of decline—especially for those who have cancer—and address topics such as pain management, delirium, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, and nutritional issues. Dr. Comfort will also review patient decisions at the end of life, such as DNR (do not resuscitate), cognitive screening, palliative sedation and care.

    This archived version is recorded from our live long-term care conference, "Compassion, Comfort, and Compliance in Long-Term Care." The video features footage of the speaker and the presentation slides.

    More Information

  • Palliative Care is developing into a specialized area of medicine as interdisciplinary teams are created with the primary focus of symptom management, while utilizing the patient and family as a unit of care. Dr. Comfort will discuss types of pain and how to evaluate them for pain management recourses. The use of opioids will be explored.

    Webinar Description

    Palliative Care is developing into a specialized area of medicine as interdisciplinary teams are created with the primary focus of symptom management, while utilizing the patient and family as a unit of care. Dr. Comfort will discuss types of pain and how to evaluate them for pain management recourses. The use of opioids will be explored

    This archived version is recorded from our live long-term care conference, "Compassion, Comfort, and Compliance in Long-Term Care." The video features footage of the speaker and the presentation slides.

  • Those participating will develop a better understanding of the use or decisions not to use tube feeding, with a particular focus on patients with dementing illnesses and stroke. Participants will be able to discuss feeding tube use in the following areas: clinical details on feeding tubes, dementing illnesses and difficulty in feeding and hydration, and the use of feeding tubes in strokes, differentiating between different types of stroke and probable outcomes; ethical grounding on the use or decisions not to use medically assisted nutrition and hydration; considering the right paradigms in differing situations.

    Webinar Description

    Those participating will develop a better understanding of the use or decisions not to use tube feeding, with a particular focus on patients with dementing illnesses and stroke. Participants will be able to discuss feeding tube use in the following areas: clinical details on feeding tubes, dementing illnesses and difficulty in feeding and hydration, and the use of feeding tubes in strokes, differentiating between different types of stroke and probable outcomes; ethical grounding on the use or decisions not to use medically assisted nutrition and hydration; considering the right paradigms in differing situations.

    This archived version is recorded from our live long-term care conference, "Compassion, Comfort, and Compliance in Long-Term Care." The video features footage of the speaker and the presentation slides.

  • Recorded On: 10/09/2018

    At-risk payors and providers are increasingly adopting value-based payment approaches. These include the SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program, another round of voluntary bundling (Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced), and accountable care organizations. These, and other market-driven changes, will place continued emphasis on improving quality and lowering costs. In this session, you will hear about the changes scheduled for October 1, 2018; other market-driven changes taking place across the country; why you need to prepare ahead of time; and how to position your organization to succeed in this increasingly challenging environment.

    Webinar Description

    At-risk payors and providers are increasingly adopting value-based payment approaches. These include the SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program, another round of voluntary bundling (Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced), and accountable care organizations. These, and other market-driven changes, will place continued emphasis on improving quality and lowering costs. In this session, you will hear about the changes scheduled for October 1, 2018; other market-driven changes taking place across the country; why you need to prepare ahead of time; and how to position your organization to succeed in this increasingly challenging environment.

    This archived version is recorded from our live long-term care conference, "Compassion, Comfort, and Compliance in Long-Term Care." The video features footage of the speaker and the presentation slides.

  • This webinar gives an overview of Alzheimer's disease, dementia and how caregivers define a resident's quality of life.

    Is It Alzheimer's? 

    There are multiple diseases that can cause dementia, which is an umbrella of symptoms that affect memory, thinking and can make daily life very complicated. Since more than one disease can cause dementia, it can be difficult to decipher what is actually causing the dementia. Alfred W. Norwood, BS, MBA, will describe:

    • How Alzheimer's disease (the most common disorder that causes dementia) affects the brain
    • Causes and effects of Alzheimer's disease
    • How caregivers define resident quality of life

    Alfred Norwood, BS, MBA


    Avila Institute of Gerontology, Inc.

    Alfred has been developing curriculum and teaching for the Avila Institute of Gerontology for the last 15 years. He has created and presented workshops and in-services on a number of topics associated with aging. He is a great believer in the integration of biological and behavioral research for dementia treatment. He has years of experience working as a consultant for long-term care systems and facilities and training staff in the use of non-pharmaceutical, individualized care plans for residents with moderate to severe dementia. 

  • This webinar discusses reflective leadership and how to handle everyday challenges with confidence.

    Identifying Your Inner Leader

    It is a challenging task to be in a leadership position. You are directing a team and leading others by example. Author Thomas Mann once said, “If you don’t understand yourself, you don’t understand anybody else.” Terrance McGuire, Ed.D begins this session by asking, “Does knowing who you are benefit you as a leader?” In this insightful talk, Mr. McGuire discusses the importance of knowing who you are as a leader because, as a leader, you have the ability to influence people in your personal and work lives. He offers a reflective discussion on how finding your inner leader is not only a spiritual journey, but a journey that takes time to feel secure in a new leadership role.  In this presentation we will discuss: 

    • How knowing yourself can help you to be a better leader
    • The 5 principles of developing your inner leader

    Terrance McGuire, Ed.D, D.Min

    Faculty, Avila Institute of Gerontology, Inc.

    Terrance McGuire is a specialist in the area of organizational mission and human development. He brings leadership experience from 40 years in the not for profit sector as an educator, corporate executive, and consultant. His experience includes working with all levels of religious and lay leadership and boards in Catholic health care, Catholic social services, and other ministry-based organizations in the USA and Canada. He presently serves as adjunct faculty at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL. Terry holds a Doctorate in Education Degree (Ed.D) for the International Graduate School and a Doctorate in Ministry Degree (D.Min.) from the University of St. Mary of the Lake. Terry is a Deacon of the Archdiocese of Chicago serving the faith community of St. Alphonsus in Lemont, IL.

  • This in-service will discuss how caregivers can help their residents with dementia improve their quality of life with personal attention to their well-being.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Well-Being and Dementia"

    Well-being is a subjective indicator of the quality of life, unique to the individual. It points to the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects as the main aspects of human existence, which are closely involved in the development of human beings. Dementia affects every facet of the person including his or her self-perception, status, mental health and faith in God. How does one experience well-being in dementia? Caregivers searching to improve residents’ well-being while living with dementia’s will find information in this in-service valuable:

    • Spiritual well-being: What is it and does dementia affect it?
    • Psychological well-being and how to keep a sense of self throughout progression of dementia
    • Using creativity to achieve well-being:dancing, art, music, and poetry in each of the stages of dementia
    • Relationship-based care principles to preserve a sense of self throughout dementia

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss how caregivers can improve their personal and work lives by developing a work-life balance.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Achieving a Work-Life Balance"

    Health care professionals often work in a physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing environment, often leading to burnout or caregiver fatigue. These outcomes have an effect not only on the professional lives of those working in health care, but also on their personal lives. Disruptions in routines such as sleeping, eating, or exercising can have damaging effects on our health. Though it is unlikely for health care professionals to escape all stressors associated with their work, it is possible to reduce negative stress by ensuring that it is counter weighted by actions that bring joy and relief.

    In this in-service, caregivers will learn:

    • The importance of creating balance between ones’ personal and professional lives
    • Helpful steps and strategies for achieving work-life balance such as setting boundaries on your time, discussing changes with loved ones, etc.
    • Tools employees can use such as the Time Management Matrix and the ADPI Action Plan (additional tool handouts are included)

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) 
    • Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Time Management Matrix (PDF)
    • ADPI Action Plan (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss the role a resident's family in tailoring their care plan for optimal experience in the residential environment.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "The Role of the Family in Person-Centered Care Planning"
    A person-centered care plan is a care plan tailored to the resident’s preferences, unique needs, strengths and limitations. A care planning conference is a setting for health care professionals and caregivers to meet with members of a resident's family to learn more about the resident. By learning about the resident's individual characteristics and how the person lived before moving to the long-term care setting, we can better understand the goals to help sustain, maintain, and enhance the resident’s well-being. This will lead to building relationships essential in the development of a plan of care and appropriate interventions and approaches to reach these goals. In this in-service, caregivers will learn the following:

    • What a care plan and care plan conference is
    • The philosophy, foundation and basic concepts of person-centered care
    • What to learn about the resident
    • The role of the family and caregiver in person-centered care
    • How to guide and interact with family,offering additional resources and handouts that can be used with family
    • How to conduct a care plan conference

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
    • Handout "Meaningful Activities for Individuals with Dementia"
    • Handout "Activities that Maximize Function"
  • This in-service will discuss how health care delivery teams can improve their work experience with better collaboration.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Building a Collaborative Work Environment" 
    Health care delivery teams working in long-term care settings are often large and diverse, composed of professionals of various ages and who have various educational backgrounds and levels of experience. Though team members have individual roles and responsibilities, they must be able to work together to ensure the highest quality of care is delivered. Working together requires team members to engage in collaborative practices as part of their established work habits. The “Building a Collaborative Work Environment” in-service will lead teams through the steps needed to achieve successful collaboration within the team. Team members will learn the principles and benefits of collaboration, understand how to utilize collaborative actions, and discuss the importance of committing to support a collaborative work environment.
    Caregivers will learn:

    • Defining collaborative practice and the principles of collaborative culture.
    • Benefits of barriers to effective collaboration.
    • Actions that promote and support collaboration.

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)