
Avila Institute of Gerontology offers a range of courses that will enhance your work with residents, families, and staff. There are courses for credit on current issues in long-term care, team building, leadership, and regulatory updates. With our series of in-services kits, you can develop your own and your staff’s knowledge and understanding about dementia, teamwork, self-care, and how best to include and help families.

  • This in-service will discuss how caregivers can help their residents with dementia improve their quality of life with personal attention to their well-being.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Well-Being and Dementia"

    Well-being is a subjective indicator of the quality of life, unique to the individual. It points to the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects as the main aspects of human existence, which are closely involved in the development of human beings. Dementia affects every facet of the person including his or her self-perception, status, mental health and faith in God. How does one experience well-being in dementia? Caregivers searching to improve residents’ well-being while living with dementia’s will find information in this in-service valuable:

    • Spiritual well-being: What is it and does dementia affect it?
    • Psychological well-being and how to keep a sense of self throughout progression of dementia
    • Using creativity to achieve well-being:dancing, art, music, and poetry in each of the stages of dementia
    • Relationship-based care principles to preserve a sense of self throughout dementia

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss how to properly conduct a pastoral visit.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Pastoral Visiting for Caregivers"
    Pastoral visiting involves skills usually taught only to social workers or those involved in spiritual guidance; however, there is something for all caregivers to learn in this in-service. Loneliness is a major contributor to depression, leading to behaviors and reduced quality of life. Compassionate caregivers who have been trained to listen and respond well will greatly enhance resident quality of life and alleviate depression. Caregivers will learn the following topics:

    • An exercise in empathy to teach caregivers about emotional pain and loneliness
    • What pastoral visiting is, and the difference between pastoral visiting and a social visit
    • How any caregiver can bring aspects of pastoral visiting into their work
    • How to make an effective pastoral visit to help the resident achieve peace
    • What to say in difficult or uncomfortable situations

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss how family dynamics can affect a resident and how a caregiver can help resolve issues regarding the resident's care.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Family Dynamics for Caregivers"
    It is important to consider that each resident enters a nursing home with a history and a family with a complex dynamic. Caregivers are in a unique position to help impact that dynamic positively because of their close contact with the resident. In this in-service, a case study examines which factors cause tension with regard to a family member in the nursing home. It examines the effects of strain on the dynamic and teaches effective caregiver interventions. Positive effects of aiding a family dynamic are greater job satisfaction (a critical component in career longevity) and fewer behaviors influenced by enhanced caregiver-to-resident communication. Caregivers will learn the following topics:

    • What a family dynamic is and factors that influence it
    • Family roles and how they change during a disease process
    • Strategies in aiding communication, compassionate listening, coping, education, and understanding

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Research Article (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss how stress in the workplace can be minimized for caregivers.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25 minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Reducing 'On-the-Job' Stress"
    Stress in the workplace is one of the leading causes of caregiver turnover. Turnover negatively impacts other caregivers, residents, administration, and the budget. Learning to deal with stress in a healthy way is absolutely key for caregivers to maintain their overall health and job satisfaction. In this in-service, caregivers will learn the following topics:

    • How stress impacts long-term health
    • The surprising number one cause of stress, as well as other major sources of stress
    • Effectively dealing with sources of stress
    • How the body reacts to a stressor in an isolated incident vs. chronic stress
    • How to manage physiological responses to a trigger

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Staff Stress Techniques Handout (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)
  • This in-service will discuss Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) and how to treat using palliative care methods.

    This ready-to-teach in-service package includes all the pieces needed to teach a 25-minute in-service.

    In-Service Topic "Lewy Body Dementia"
    Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) is a less well-known relative than its dementia counterparts, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. However, LBD affects 1.3 million people and accounts for approximately 20% of all dementia cases, so education on this disease is truly essential. Through the examination of a case study, caregivers will take a person-centered look at the effects of the disease on an entire family. Caregivers will come away understanding the following:

    • LBD symptoms and disease process
    • How LBD forms in the brain
    • Understanding how to holistically support those living with LBD and their families
    • Medication options for those with LBD and how they work
    • Non-pharmaceutical treatment options for LBD

    This in-service kit includes:

    • A recorded video of the in-service (internet access required)
    • Lesson Plan (PDF) Presentation slides and script (Microsoft PowerPoint File)
    • Presentation handout as slides and notes (PDF)
    • 4-page summary of presentation (PDF)
    • Pre-test (PDF)
    • 4 post-tests with 5 questions each and answer key (PDF)
    • Follow-up (PDF)
    • Certificate Template (PDF)